Short Stories


I have started a Short Story Challenge. I was looking on the internet the other day to find story prompts and I came across this website. There were a few ideas that I liked. But as I was reading the article he said
 "What if you committed to writing one short story per week?
 Or one poem/chapter of your novel/scene in your screenplay per week?
 How would developing a writing habit transform your life?"

That really resonated with me because I have been looking for ways to polish up my writing. The more I do it the better I will get. Practice makes perfect. It's a great way to challenge yourself and get motivated to do some actual writing. 

There are ten prompts on his site and I am going to do them 1 thru 10. This first one was a tad easy, not really looking forward to the next one. But I am up for the challenge. Wish me luck. 

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